Why the most popular approach to teaching reading is a HUGE problem.
May 14, 2023
The 3 cueing approach (also known as whole language or balanced literacy) to teaching reading has been a popular method in classrooms for decades. This approach involves teaching children to use context, syntax, and visual cues to identify words while reading. While it may seem like a practical and efficient approach, recent research suggests that it is not effective in helping children become proficient readers. In this article, I will explain why the 3 cueing approach is flawed and what alternative methods can be used to teach reading.
The 3 cueing approach places too much emphasis on guessing words based on context, syntax, and visual cues. This method assumes that readers can identify words by guessing their meaning from the context or syntax of the sentence. While this may work for some words, it does not provide children with the necessary skills to read unfamiliar words. Children need to learn phonics, which is the ability to decode words by sounding out the individual sounds that make up the word. Without this skill, children will struggle to read words that they have not seen before, which will limit their reading proficiency.
It can also be confusing for children as guessing words based on context, syntax, and visual cues can be ambiguous and subjective. For example, a child may attempt to read a word based on the context of the sentence, but their attempt may not be correct. This can lead to confusion and frustration for children. It can also lead to children developing bad habits such as guessing words or skipping words altogether, which can hinder their reading progress.
So, what can be done to teach reading effectively? Research suggests that a phonics-based approach is the most effective method for teaching reading. Phonics teaches children to decode words by sounding out the individual sounds that make up the word. This method provides children with the necessary skills to read unfamiliar words and promotes stronger reading comprehension. Additionally, using a phonics-based approach can help children develop a love for reading, as they are able to read and understand books independently.
In conclusion, the 3 cueing approach to teaching reading is not an effective method for helping children become proficient readers. Instead, a phonics-based approach should be used to teach children to decode words and promote reading comprehension. By using this approach, children can develop the necessary skills to become successful readers and engage with the text on a deeper level.